Pico Fermi Bagel is a guessing game for two players, or two
teams, and uses quite a bit of strategy. Each player thinks of a number
(use three digit numbers to begin with) and you take turns guessing the
other person's number. Whoever guesses the other person's number first
wins. With each player's guess, the other player must give clues. Use
the clues in order to make a strategic next guess. There are three
Pico means that one of the guessed digits is correct but is in the wrong place;
Fermi means that one of the guessed digits is correct and is also in the correct place;
Bagel means that none of the digits in the guess are correct.
Miro reflections: It was challenging; there are numbers. We worked in teams so that we would meet up with and get to know new people and build team skills. It helped us become better strategists. Working in teams made it easier. It was frustrating working in teams. We worked in a group to help us know what we were each thinking.